Author Guidelines

MADZAHIB: Jurnal Fiqih dan Ushul Fiqih

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah (STIS) Al-Manar

A. General Rules

  1. Manuscripts or articles which published in Madzahib: Jurnal Fiqih dan Ushul Fiqih includes general studies, review articles related to the development of comparative jurisprudence, contemporary fiqh, issues in fiqh, and usul al-fiqh according to Journal's Focus and Scope.
  2. Articles which submitted to Madzahib: Jurnal Fikih dan Ushul Fikih have not been published in another journals or submitted to other journals.
  3. The manuscripts from thesis or dissertation should included a recommendation letter from supervisor lecturer (promotor) as declare statement that the manuscripts deserves sent to Madzahib: Jurnal Fikih dan Ushul Fikih. The manuscripts will be review by Mitra Bestari (reviewers) anonymously, and given an acceptable / decent decision, denied / decline, or received with a revision.
  4. The author should revise the manuscript based on feedback (double blind peer review results) from Mitra Bestari (reviewers) within the time limit from the Editorial Team.
  5. The Editorial Board/Team shall have the right to improve the content and the script of the manuscripts without altering the substance of the contents.
  6. The references, quoting, or referral source in manuscripts, should preferred from published literatures in the last 5-10 years. References should preferred from primary sources of national and international books and journals.
  7. Anything involving licensing, quoting or using computer software for the production of a manuscript from writers; authors, as well as the legal consequences, the authors takes for any legal consequences for these condition.

B. Journal Template

Please check Madzahib: Jurnal Fiqih dan Ushul Fiqih journal template to make a submission

C. COPYRIGHT by following this link