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Author Guidelines
MADZAHIB: Jurnal Fiqih dan Ushul Fiqih
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah (STIS) Al-Manar
A. General Rules
- Manuscripts or articles which published in Madzahib: Jurnal Fiqih dan Ushul Fiqih includes general studies, review articles related to the development of comparative jurisprudence, contemporary fiqh, issues in fiqh, and usul al-fiqh according to Journal's Focus and Scope.
- Articles which submitted to Madzahib: Jurnal Fikih dan Ushul Fikih have not been published in another journals or submitted to other journals.
- The manuscripts from thesis or dissertation should included a recommendation letter from supervisor lecturer (promotor) as declare statement that the manuscripts deserves sent to Madzahib: Jurnal Fikih dan Ushul Fikih. The manuscripts will be review by Mitra Bestari (reviewers) anonymously, and given an acceptable / decent decision, denied / decline, or received with a revision.
- The author should revise the manuscript based on feedback (double blind peer review results) from Mitra Bestari (reviewers) within the time limit from the Editorial Team.
- The Editorial Board/Team shall have the right to improve the content and the script of the manuscripts without altering the substance of the contents.
- The references, quoting, or referral source in manuscripts, should preferred from published literatures in the last 5-10 years. References should preferred from primary sources of national and international books and journals.
- Anything involving licensing, quoting or using computer software for the production of a manuscript from writers; authors, as well as the legal consequences, the authors takes for any legal consequences for these condition.
B. Journal Template
Please check Madzahib: Jurnal Fiqih dan Ushul Fiqih journal template to make a submission
C. COPYRIGHT by following this link