أسس التأمين التكافلي


  • Ali Mahfud Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah (STIS) Al-Manar Jakarta

Kata Kunci:

Insurance , Helping , Donations


Atta'min which is also called insurance has the meaning of providing protection, tranquility, security and freedom from fear. Insuring something, means that someone pays or submits installments so that he or his heirs get a certain amount of money as agreed, or to get compensation for their lost assets. maisir, gharar, usury, dzalim and so on. To meet the community's need for an insurance system, a sharia-based insurance system must be established, namely Ta'min Takaful. Takaful in the sense of muamalah is mutual risk between people so that each other becomes the bearer of the other's risks. This mutual risk-taking is carried out on the basis of helping each other in goodness by each issuing tabarru' funds, worship funds, donations, and donations aimed at bearing risks. So Ta'min Takaful or Takaful insurance is an effort to protect and help each other between a number of people or parties through investment in the form of assets and or tabarru' which provides a pattern of returns to face certain risks through contracts that are in accordance with sharia. Along with the development of the type and variety of insurance products, especially sharia insurance, it is necessary to explain further about the principles and systems of sharia insurance. This paper intends to explain the principles and operational systems of sharia insurance (Ta'min, Takaful)


