Pengaruh Niat Terhadap Perbuatan Haram


  • Abdul Kadir Abu Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah (STIS) Al-Manar Jakarta

Kata Kunci:

Intention , Haram , Action


Intention is an issue that is closely related to the practice of the heart. There is a relationship between actions that are based on intentions as well as having an influence in terms of legal (sahîh) and damaged (fasad) these actions. Haram actions are what Allah has forbidden to do, accompanied by reproach for those who do them. Furthermore, can unlawful acts become a worship that is rewarded with rewards, if accompanied by good intentions?

In this discussion, it will be explained about the nature of intention, the effect of intention on unlawful acts, opinions and objections to groups that consider unlawful acts as a means of taqarrub, opinions and rebuttals to groups who say unlawful acts are taqarrub as well as opinions and objections to those who allow actions for some people. not for some others.

In discussing the problems mentioned above, this research is organized by inventorying the opinions of scholars along with their respective reasons and arguments. Then after that a comparison is made between these opinions by reviewing and trying to analyze each of the reasons and arguments wich are started and processed critically and intensely depth.

From the search results, the three groups above are considered wrong and inappropriate, moreover they cannot be justified because they interpret the verse in an inappropriate manner. The second also includes a wrong view because using the intention to justify unlawful acts even though with good intentions. That action is not justifiable. Likewise, the third cannot be justified, because the prohibition of something is a comprehensive prohibition, Including due to urgency.


